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  • See also: Official homepage of the WX Net.

  • Info on the International Weather Net
    (Internationale Wetterrunde)

    Net control: DJ2MV, Helmut in Regensburg (Bavaria).

    Regular participants from DL, F, G, OE, OK, YO, S5.
    Guest participants from everywhere.

    The club station is DL0WXR, the operator is DK6HD, Gerd, in Timmendorfer Strand (Baltic Sea).

    Purpose of the Net:

    The net meets every work day at 6 LT for to collect weather data.
    One of our goals is to collect data on the - not so well known, but existing - relations between
    the weather situation and the wave propagation on the different bands.
    These data are stored on a computer, and are distributed to interested persons.

    History of the Net:

    The Wetterrunde (Weather Net) existed already in 1957, and had about 10 participants.
    They met daily and exchanged the normal reports and additionally weather data.
    In 1969 om Helmut, DJ2MV, took over the Net, which had about 25 participants then.
    Whereas the participants delivered their data how they liked it in the beginning,
    in the last 30 years some changes took place. Because of the huge amount of data and
    because of the foreseen possibility to sort the data on a computer, the format of the
    incoming data was standardized. The data themselves correspond to the definitions of the
    German Weather Service and by that to those of the WMO.
    Lightning observations were transmitted to Prof. Mühleisen from the University of Tübingen
    for to give an example of evaluation of the data.
    If you want, the rapporteurs are synoptic observing stations, giving also data as sky coverage and
    visibility, which were not easily delivered by automatic land stations.
    As there were correspondents from 14 European nations at the end of the sixties, the net was called
    "Internationale Wetterrunde" - International Weather Net.
    The Net is an outstanding example for Amateur Radio as a scientific and technical Radio Service,
    - as it is put down in legislation.


    Monday to Friday on 3,683 MHz ±qrm.

    Time schedule:

    Login of the regular members from 05:50 to 06:10 LT.
    Presentation of the actual weather data from 06:10 to 06:30 LT by net control.
    Any comments from 06:30 to ca. 06:45 LT.

    If you want to participate:
    Non-regular participants may check in into the net before 05:50,
    and after 06:30 LT. As the "official" part is tough in time, the time between
    05:50 and 06:30 LT is reserved for the regular members of the net.

    In case that you want to join the net:

    Some links:

    Last update of this page: 2004-AVR-04