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ABRÉVIATIONS; ordre alphabétique



    @ Amperesand 3352 ft
    3GPP 3rd Generation Partnership Project
    AACS Advanced Access Content System
    AAMI American Association for Medical Instrumentation
    AAPM American Association of Physicists in Medicine
    ABCC Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission
    ABL atmospheric boundary layer
    AbR absolute risk
    AbU Arbeitskreise betrieblicher Umweltschutz (OS u. H)
    ACC Acute Care Center
    ACERER Advisory Committee for Energy Related Epidemiological Research
    ACFBC Atmospheric Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustion
    ACGIH American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists
    ACI American Concrete Institute
    ACK acknowledgement
    ACPI Advanced Configuration and Power Interface
    ACR American College of Radiology
    ACRS Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
    ACS access control system
    AD actual distortion
    ADD Aufsichts- und Dienstleistungsdirektion
    ADIR Annual Dose of Incorporated Radioactivity
    ADL Austrian District Locator
    ADRASEC Assoc.Départementale des Radioamateurs au service de la Sécurité Civile
    ADRIQ automatic dose rate and image quality
    ADS automatic depressurization system
    ADS Accelerator Driven System
    ADSL Asymetrical Digital Subscriber Line
    ADT Android Development Tool
    ADU Ammonium-Diuranat
    AEC Atomic Energy Council (BV)
    AECB Atomic Energy Control Board (VE)
    AECL Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd
    AEGL Acute Exposure Guidance Level
    AEN Agence de l'Energie Nucléaire
    AERB Atomic Energy Regulatory Board
    AERVA Atomic Energy Retirees' Welfare Association
    AfA Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Abfallwirtschaft
    AFAP artillery fired atomic projectile
    AFB Air Force Base
    AFC Alkaline Fuel Cell (Brennstoffzelle)
    AFCI Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative
    AFF American Family Foundation
    AFIE Association Française des Ingénieurs Ecologues
    AFITE Association Française des Ingénieurs de l'Environnement
    AFFRI Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute
    AFRAT Air Force Radiation Assessment Team
    AFRL Air Force Research Laboratory
    AFRRI Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute
    AFSSET Agence française de sécurité sanitaire et l′environnement
    AfuG Amateurfunkgesetz
    AFWL Air Force Weapons Laboratory
    AG assemblé générale
    AGC automatic gain control
    AGE Aero-Gammaspectrometry Exercise
    AGL above ground level
    AGP accelerated graphics port
    AGR advanced gas-cooled reactor
    AGS Ausschuß f.Gefahrstoffe
    AGZ Arge Zukunft Afu-Dienst e.V.
    AHB Allgemeine Versicherungsbedingungen für die Haftpflicht-
    AHB2 versicherungen
    AHBSTR Allgemeine Versicherungsbedingungen von genehmigter
    AHBSTR2 Tätigkeit mit Kernbrennstoffen und sonstigen radio-
    AHBSTR3 aktiven Stoffen außerhalb von Atomanlagen
    AHS Adult Health Study
    AHTR Advanced High-temperature Reactor
    AIM Accessible Instructional Material
    AISC American Institute of Steel Construction
    AIUM American Institute of Ultrasound
    AkA Arbeitsgemeinschaft für kommunale Abfallwirtschaft
    AKBF Arbeitskreis Betreutes Funken
    AkEnd Arbeitskreis Auswahlverfahren Endlagerstandorte
    AKMP Akkredit.ste.d.Lä.f.Meß-u.Prüfstellen z.Vollz.d.GefstoRe
    AKU Arbeitskreis Umweltüberwachung des FS e.V.
    ALARA As Low As Reasonably Achievable
    ALARP As Low As Reasonably Practicable
    ALI Annual Limit of Intake /2825/
    ALL acute lymphoblastic leukemia
    ALS amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
    ALTA Alberta Large Area Time Coincidence Array
    ALWR Arbeitskreis d.Leiter wissenschaftl.Rechenzentren
    AMAD Activity Median Aerodynamic Diameter
    AMANDA Antarctic Muon and Neutrino Detector Array
    AMD activity median diameter
    ANDRA Agence nationale pour la gestion des déchets radioactifs
    AMF adipose mass fraction
    AML acute myeloid leukemia
    AMPS American Mobile Phone Service
    AMS Aerial Measuring System
    ANFR Agence Nationale des Fréquences
    ANP Advanced Nuclear Power
    ANS American Nuclear Society
    ANS autonomic nervous system
    ANSI American National Standards Institute
    ANSTO Australian National Nuclear Research and Development Organisation
    ANTARES Advanced Neutron Tomography and Radiography Experimental System
    AOA axial offset anomaly
    AOX halogenorganische Verbindungen (KlärschlammV)
    AP Anterior-Posterior
    AP Access Point
    APEA Associçao Portuguesa de Engenheiros do Ambiente
    APC age-period-cohort
    APC automatic power level control
    APD avalanche photodiodes
    APH American Printing House for the Blind
    API armor-piercing incendiary
    API application program interface
    APK android application package
    APL alkaline phosphatase
    APM adaptive puff model
    APNG Asia Pacific Networking Group
    APO automatic power off
    APROMA Asociación Profesional Interdisciplinar del Medio Ambiente
    APRS Automatic Position Reporting System
    APT Accelerator Production of Tritium
    APWR advanced pressurized water reactor
    AQM air quality model
    AR augmented reality
    ARAC Atmospheric Release Advisory Capability
    ARC .arc Extension; Datei m.pkarc/pkxarc,pkunpak bearb.
    ARCEP Autorité de Régulation des Communications Electroniques et des Postes
    ARCO Atmospheric Release in Complex Terrain
    ARG Accident Response Group
    ARJ .arj Extension
    ARPA Advanced Research Project Agency
    ARRL American Radio Relay League
    ARQ automatic repeat request
    ARS Acute Radiation Syndrome
    ASA Acrylnitrit/Styrol/Acrylester
    ASAAQ Atmosph.Sciences a.Application to Air Quality
    ASAP as soon as possible
    ASCII American Nat'l Standard Code for Information Interchange
    ASCOT Atmospheric Studies in Complex Terrain
    ASDE ssigned Shallow Dose Equivalents
    ASE Atomstroyexport
    ASEP Association Suisse des Professionnels de l'Environnement
    ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
    ASO Address Supporting Organisation
    ASTR Aerospace Systems Test Reactor
    ASTRAL ASsistance Technique en Radioprotection postAccidenteLle
    ASTRID Advanced Sodium Technological Reactor for Industrial Demonstration
    ASU Arbeitsgemeinschaft selbständiger Unternehmer
    ATAPI advanced technology attachment peripherical interface
    ATE ask the expert
    ATHLET Analyse d.Thermohydraulik bei Lecks u.Transienten
    ATM asynchronous transfer mode; Breitband ISDN;B-WIN
    ATM automatic teller machine
    ATN Augmented transition network
    AtR attributable risk
    ATSDR Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
    ATTAC Association pour la taxation des transactions financières et pour l'action citoyenne
    ATV Abwassertechnische Vereinigung e.V.
    ATV Amateur TV
    ATWS Anticipated Transient without Scram
    ATX advanced technology extended
    AVD Android Virtual Devices
    AVI audio video interleaved
    AVM Atelier de Vitrification de Marcoule
    AVT All-Volatile Treatment /4025/
    AWE Atomic Weapons Establishment
    AWST GSF-Auswertungsstelle f. Dosimeter

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    BAFA Bundesamt f. Wirtschaft u. Ausfuhrkontrolle
    BAG Bundesamt für Güterverkehr
    BAG Bundesamt für Gesundheit
    BAGUV Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Unfallversicherungsträger der
    BAGUV2 öffentlichen Hand e.V.
    BAM Bundesanstalt f.Materialforschung u -prüfung
    BANANA build absolutely nothing anywhere near anything
    BARC Bharat Atomic Research Centre
    BARC Baltimore Amateur Radio Club
    BARDA Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority
    BASIC Beginner's All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
    BAT Best available technique
    BAT Biologischer Arbeitsstoff-Toleranz-Wert (Betriebswacht)
    BAT Biodosimetry Assessment Tool
    BATNEEC best available techniques not entailing excessive cost
    BAU business-as-usual
    BBB Better Business Bureau
    BBS bulletin board system
    BBP Babcock Borsig Power GmbH
    BCCH Broadcast Control Channel
    BCL Battelle Columbus Laboratories
    BDA Bundes-Daten-Autobahn
    BDAT best-demonstrated available technology
    BDBE beyond design basis events
    BDE Bundesverband der Dt. Entsorgungswirtschaft e.V.
    BDEW Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft
    BDNF Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor
    BEIR Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiations (US)
    BELLE Biological Effects of Low-Level Exposures
    BEP box encapsulation plant
    BER bit error rate
    BERT bit-error-rate test
    BERT Background Equivalent Radiation Time
    BFBC Bubbling fluidised bed combustion
    BFE Bundesamt für Energie (HB9)
    BFO blood-forming organ
    BfS Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz
    BghiP Benz(ghi)perylen (1/523,,1337)
    BGRR Brookhaven Graphite Research Reactor
    BGS background signal
    BgVV Bundesinst.f.gesundheitl.Verbraucherschu.u.Veterinärmediz.
    BHE Bundesvereinigung Humus- und Erdenwirtschaft e.V.
    BI business intelligence
    BIA Berufsgenossenschaftl. Instit. f. Arbeitssicherheit
    BIPM Bureau International des Poids et Mesures
    BIR BioInitiative Report
    BIS Bodeninformationssystem
    BITNET Because it's There (Time) Network
    BKE Bundeskonferenz für Erziehungsberatung
    BLER block error rate
    BLERT block-error-rate test
    BLG Bundesleistungsgesetz
    BMBau Bund.min.f.Raumordn., Bauwesen u. Städtebau
    BMD benchmark dose
    BMI body mass index
    BMP .bmp Bitmap
    BNC British Naval Connector
    BNEN Belgian Nuclear Education Network
    BNFL British Nuclear Fuels plc (früher: LTD)
    BNG Babcock Noell GmbH
    BNL Brookhaven Nat'l Laboratory
    BOMAB Bottle Manikin Absorber
    BPEO best practible environmental option
    BPL Broad Band for Powerline
    BPM best practicable means
    BPR Bauprodukten-Richtlinie
    BPSK Binary Phase Shift Keying
    BR Basic Restriction
    BRAC Base Realignement and Closure
    BREF BAT-Reference
    BRER Board on Radiation Effects Research
    BSI Bundesministerium für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
    BSL Bereich zum Schutz der Landschaft
    BSN Bereich zum Schutz der Natur (in GEP)
    BSS Basic Safety Standards
    BTEX Benzol,Toloul,Ethylbenzol,Xylol (m/p- oder o-Xylol)
    Btoa .btoa Ext.;Binary TO ASCII (Teytdatei)
    BTP Bis-trianzinyl-pyridin
    BTW by the way
    BUIT Bureau de l'Union Internationale des Télécommunications
    BÜK Bodenübersichtskarte
    BVB Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan
    bvse Bundesverband Sekundärrohstoffe u.Entsorgung e.V.
    BWFK Biologisch wirksame Faserkonzentration /19374/
    BZ breething zone

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    CA Celluloseacetat
    CAB Centro Atómico Bariloche
    CaCu Causae et curae
    CAD computer-aided design
    CAGI Compressed Air and Gas Institute, (K)
    CAM Continuous Air Monitors
    CANDU Canada Deuterium Uranium
    Capi Common ISDN application programming interface
    C.A.A.M. Centre Administratif des Affaires Maritimes
    CA Celluloseacetat
    CAD computer-aided design
    CAGI Compressed Air and Gas Institute, (K)
    CAIRE Computer Aided Response to Emergencies
    CAM Continous Air Monitor
    CAMPEP Comm.on Accreditation of Medical Physics Education Programs
    CAP Clean Air Act Assessment Package Capi Common ISDN application programming interface
    CAPTCHA Completely Automated Turing Test to tell Computers and Humans apart
    CARB Calif. Air Resources Board
    CARL Comparative Animal Research Laboratory
    CARLA Centrale Anlage zum Recyclieren Leichtaktiver Abfälle
    CAS Chemical Abstracts System
    CASA Critical Assembly and Storage Area
    CAST Center for Applied Special Technology
    CASTOR cask for storage
    CATS Consequence Assessment Tool Set
    CBA cost-benefit analysis
    CBARMFI Center for Biophysical Assessment and Risk Management Following Irradiation
    CBL convective boundary-layer
    CBMN cytokinesis blocked micronucleus assay
    CBP Customs and Border Protection
    CBRN chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear
    CBT computer based training
    CCA Compliance Certification Application
    CCD charge couple device
    CCDF complementary cumulative distribution function
    CCFSE1 Centre de contrôle des fréquences et de surveillance de
    CCFSE2 l'exploitation
    CCGT Combined circle gas turbine
    CCIB Call Completion Internet Busy
    CCIR Int'l Radio Consultative Committee
    CCITT1 Comité Consultatif International Télégraphique et
    CCITT2 Téléphonique ; jetzt ITU
    CCK complementary code keying
    CCM Cobalt Coincidence Measurement
    CCN cloud condensation nuclei
    CCS Carbon Capture and Storage
    CCSTI Centre culturel scientifique technique et industriel
    CCVM CSNI Code Validation Matrix
    CD compact disk
    CDA core disruptive accident
    CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
    CDF Channel Definition Format
    CDF Core Damage Frequency
    CDMA Code Division Multiple Access
    CDN content delivery network
    CDPHE Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
    CDR .cdr Corel Draw
    CDRH Center for Devices and Radiological Health (US FDA)
    CEA Control Element Assembly
    CEDE committed effective dose equivalent
    CEDIM Center for Disaster Management and Risk Reduction Technology
    CEFIC Europäischer Chemieverband
    CEGB Central Electricity Generating Board (G)
    CEM compatibilité électromagnétique
    CEN Comité Européen de Coordination des Normes
    CENELEC Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
    CENEN Czech Nuclear Education Network
    CENTER Center f.Excellence i.Nucl.Technol.,Engin'g a.Research
    CEPT Conférence Européenne de Poste et Télécommunications
    CERT Computer Emergency Response Team im DFN
    CERT Controlled Environmental Radioiodine Test, 2842
    CEST central european summer time
    CFBC Circulating fluidised bed combustion
    CFC chlorofluorocarbon
    CFD Chronic Fatigue Syndrom
    CFD computational fluid dynamics
    CFK C-Faserverstärkter Kunststoff
    CFR Code of Federal Regulations
    CFV Call For Votes
    CGCT combined gas cycle turbine
    CGI common gateway interface (WWW)
    CGM .cgm computer graphics metafile
    CGPM Conseil Général de Poids et Mesures
    CH contact-handled
    ChNPP Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant
    CHP Certified Health Physicist
    CHP comprehensive health physics
    CHP combined heat and power; co-generation of heat and power
    ChRD chronic radiation desease
    CHRNEM consolidated human response nuclear effects model
    CI confidence interval
    CI constraint-induced
    CIAC Computer Incident Advisory Capability (DOE)
    CIC Customer Information Center
    CICA Centre of Innovative Computing Application
    CIH Certified Industrial Hygienist
    CILC crud induced localized corrosion
    CINDA Computer Index of Neutron Data
    CIO Chief Information Officer
    CIP Common ISDN Profile
    CIPR Commission Internationale de Protection Radiologique
    CIRC Centre International de Recherche contre le Cancer
    CIS Commonwealth of Independent States
    CIT Conférence Internationale des Télécommunications
    CITE Constraint-Induced Therapy Extension
    CLC Chemical Looping Combustion
    CLG Chemical Looping Gasification)
    CLIP Calling Line Identification Presentation
    CLL chronic lymphocytic leukemia
    CMAT Consequence Management Advisory Team
    CMDB Canadian Mortality Database
    CMEP Churches for Middle East Peace
    CML chronic myeloid leukemia
    CMR Chemistry and Metallurgy Research
    CMR Conférences Mondiales des Radiocommunications
    CNC condensation nuclei counter
    CNE Corpo Nacional de Escutas
    CNFRA Commission Nationale Formation Radioamateur
    CNPP Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant
    CNRA Committee of Nuclear Regulatory Authorities
    CNRB Commission Nationale des Relais et Balises
    CNRR Commission Nationale des Relais Radioamateurs
    CNS Central Nervous System
    CNS cold neutron source
    CNT Computer Network Technology
    CNTN Commission Nationale des Transmissions Numériques
    COAST Cache-on-a-stick (L2)
    COBOL Common Business Orientated Language
    COD Chemical Oxygen Demand
    Codec Code/decode
    CoF Certificate of Fitness
    COGEMA Compagnie Générale des Matières Nucléaires
    CoHoRT Calculations of Heating or Radiation Transport
    COLREG 72 Convention on the Int'l Regulations f. Prev.Collisions at Sea
    COM domain of commercial institutions
    COM component object model (Java, ActiveX)
    COMAR Committee on Man and Radiation (IEEE)
    COMARE Committee On Medical Aspects of Radiation in the Environment
    CONCAWE Int'l study group for CONservation of Clean Air and Water in Europe
    CONFABRE Containment of Fast Breeder reactors
    CONTE Conference on Nuclear Training and Education
    CONUS Continental U.S.
    CONVEX Convention Exercise
    COP coefficient of performance
    CORDEL Cooperation in Reactor Design Evaluation and Licensing
    CORINAIR Coordination-Information Air (I)
    CORINE Coordinated Information on the Environment (I)
    CORSIKA Cosmic Ray Simulations for Kascade
    COSINE Cooperation for an Open Systems Interconncting Network in Europe
    COSR continued operation safety report
    COST EU-Kooperationsprogr. Wiss. u. Technik
    COTS commercial off-the-shelf
    COW Crude oil washing
    CPB Canyon Plume Box
    CPCFC Ceramic proton conductor fuel cell (Brennstoffzelle)
    CPD Christliche Pfadfinderschaft Deutschlands
    CPD Cooperative Program for Decommissioning (OECD)
    CPICH Common Pilot Channel
    CPL Courants Porteurs en Ligne
    CPLD Customer Programmable Logical Device
    CPT conditional probability table
    CPU central processing unit
    CRAC Consequences Radiol. d'un Accident de Criticité
    CRC cyclic redundancy check
    CRC The Chemical Rubber Company
    CRCPD Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors
    CREAM consequences of releases to the environment: assessment methodology
    Crédoc Centre de recherche pour l′étude et l′observation des conditions de vie
    CREST Committee on Reactor Safety Technology
    CRISP cross-industry standard process
    CRM Customer Relationship Management
    CRO controlled reference oscillator
    CRP C-reactive protein
    CRPPH Committee on Radiation Protection and Public Health
    CRS chronic radiation sickness
    CRT cathode ray tube
    CSDA continous slowing down approximation
    CSE Communications Security Establishment (VE)
    CSE Council of Science Editors
    CSF cerebral spinal fluid
    CSIR Council of Scientific&Industrial Research
    CSMA carrier sense multiple access
    CSNET Computer and Science Network
    CSNI NEA Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations
    CSO Central Sevices Organization
    CSP Certified Safety Professional
    CSS Cascading Style Sheet
    CST cardiac stimulation threshold
    CST Civil Support Team
    CS-Unfall Core-Schmelzen
    CT computed tomography
    CTBT Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
    CTDI CT dose index
    CTDM complex terrain dispersion model
    CTE coefficient of thermal expansion
    CTP Cordless Telephony Profile
    Ctrl control
    CTS clear to send
    CUNY City Univ.of NY
    CW continous wave
    CWIC cross-wind integrated concentration
    CWT chest wall thickness

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    DABAWAS Datenbank ueber wassergefaehrdende Stoffe
    DAbF Dt.Ausschuß f.brennbare Flüssigkeiten
    DAC digital-analog converter
    DAC derived air concentration; gives ALI with 2000h/y
    DAC-h actual exposure by a DAC level
    DAfStb Dt. Ausschuß f. Stahlbeton
    DAGM Dt. Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Mustererkennung
    DAMA demand assigned multiple access
    DAP duly authorized person
    DAP dose-area product
    DAR Dt.Akkreditierungsrat
    DAR design assessment report
    DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
    DART dynamic adaptive radiation therapy
    DAS débit d'absorption spécifique
    DBA design basis accident
    DBCC diffusion barrier charcoal canister
    dBd Gewinn über Dipol
    DBE Design Basis Event
    dBi isotropic gain
    DBLP Digital Bibliography and Library Project
    DBMS database management system
    DCA dicentric chromosome assay
    DCF dose conversion factor
    DCF Distributed Coordination Function
    DCFP Diploma dos Castelos e Fortalezas de Portugal
    DCGL derived concentration guideline level
    DCN direction des constructions navales
    DCOM Distributed Common Object Model
    DDC display data channel (VESA Standard)
    DDE deep dose equivalent
    DDG Dürener Deponie Gesellschaft
    DDN Data Defense Network
    DDR double data rate
    DDR direct digital radiography
    DDREF dose and dose-rate effectiveness factor
    DDT transition from deflagration to detonation
    DEA Diethanolamin
    DECDAT Decay Data directory
    DECT Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunication
    DEFRA Department of Environment Food and Rural Affairs
    DEMON Disk and Execution MONitor
    DEP Department of Environmental Protection
    DERA Defence Evaluation and Research Agency
    DETR Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions
    DE-NIC NIC in DL; Uni KA
    DFBR Demenostration Fast Breeder Reactor
    DFCF Diplôme des forte et châteaux de France
    DFN Deutsches Forschungsnetz
    DGSNR Direction générale de la sûreté nucléaire et de la radioprotection
    DHHS Department of Health and Human Services
    DHRS Decay Heat Removal System
    DHS Department of Homeland Security
    DIANA divicive analysis
    DICOM digital imaging and communication
    DIFS DCF Inter-Frame Space
    DIL Dynamic Insertion Loss
    DIL derived intervention level
    DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung
    DL decision level
    DL downlink
    DLG Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft
    DLL Dynamic Link Library
    DLP dose length product
    DMA dimethylamine
    DMF Deutsche Mobilfunk Forschungsprogramm
    DMFC Direct Methanol Fuel Cell
    DML Devonport Management Limited
    DMR DigitalMobilRadio
    DNB Departure from Nucleate Boiling
    DNDO Domestic Nuclear Detection Office
    DNR Departamento Nacional de Radioescutismo
    DNS Domain Name Server
    DNS Domain Name System (od. Service)
    DNS direct numerical simulation
    DNSe Digital Natural Sound Engine
    DNSO Domain Name Supporting Organisation
    DNV Det Norske Veritas, Essen
    DOB date of birth
    DOC Dissolved Organic Carbon, gelöst.org.C, Wasseranalytik
    DOC U.S. Department of Commerce
    DOE Department of the Environment (G,K)
    DOELAP Department of Energy Laboratory Accreditation Program
    DOM Document Object Model
    DON disolved organic nitrogen
    DONUT Direct Observation of Nu-Tau
    DOSIMO Dosimetry On-line
    DOT Department of Transportation
    DPOF digital print order format
    DPUI dose par unité d'incorporation
    DQA Data Quality Assessment
    DQPSK Differential Quadratude Phase Shift Keying-modulation
    DQS (Berlin/Frankfurt)
    DRACS Direct Reactor Auxiliary Cooling System
    DRAM dynamic random access memory
    DREF dose-rate effectiveness factor
    DRESDYN Dresden Sodium Platform for Dynamo and Thermohydraulic Studies
    DRM Digital Rights Management
    DS86 Dosimetry System 1986
    DSA deterministische Sicherheitsanalyse
    DSAGA dynamic solution adaptive grid algorithm
    DSB double-strand break
    DSD Defense Signals Directorate (VK)
    DSD Duales System Deutschland GmbH
    DSE Division of site Safety and Environmental analysis (USNRC)
    DSL Digital Subscriber Line
    DSP digital signal processing
    DSS decision-support system
    DSS Domäne-Sytem-Schnittstelle
    DSTN Double Super-Twisted Nematic ; LCD
    DTC differentiated thyroid cancer
    DTD document type definition
    DTPA diethylene triamine penta acetate
    DTRA Defense Threat Reduction Agency
    DU depleted uranium
    DUR dose uniformity ratio
    DUS diagnostic ultrasound
    DVB-T Digital Video Broadcasting -Terrestrial
    DVD digital versatile disk
    DVS Dt.Verband f.Schweißtechnik
    DVWK Dt.Verband f.Wasserwirtschaft und Kulturbau e.V.
    DWD Deutscher Wetterdienst
    DZI Dt. Zentralinstitut für soziale Fragen

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    EAG Europäische Atomgemeinschaft (=EURATOM)
    EAN European ALARA Network
    EAPPI Ecumenical Accompaniment Program in Palestine and Israel
    EAR excess absolute risk
    EAR estimated additional resources
    EARA Environmental Auditors Registration Association
    EARN European Academic Research Network
    EAS Electronic article surveillance
    EAS extended air showers
    EBA enriched boron acid
    EBCD extended binary code decimal
    EBIV European Bureau of Inspection Validation
    EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
    Ebone Europäischer Internet-Backbone
    ECCS Emergency Core Cooling System
    ECD electron capture detector
    ECE UN Economic Commission for Europe
    ECLA European College of Liberal Arts
    ECO Encyclopedia of Chess Openings
    ECOIN European Core Inventory (Altstoff-Verzeichnis EG)
    ECP Enhanced Capability Port
    ECP electrochemical corrosion potential
    ECSD Enhanced HSCDS
    ECTHOR Ecoulements dans des Tuyauteries Horizontales en Eau-Air
    ECTS European Credit Transfer Schemes
    EEC equilibrium equivalent concentration
    ED50 estimated dose for 50% probability of lesion at retina
    EDD Environmental Due Diligence
    EDE effective dose equivalent
    ERF environmental dose factor
    EDGE Enhanced Data rates for Global (or GSM) Evolution
    EDISTR Energy Distribution code
    EDM eddy dissipation model
    EDNS Emergency Department Notification System
    EDO extended data out (plus rapide que DRAM)
    EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
    EDU educational domain
    EDVAC Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer
    EDX energy dispersive x-ray
    EEC equilibrium equivalent concentration
    EEG Elektro-Enzephalogramm
    EEG Erneuerbare-Energie-Gesetz
    EFAEP European Federation of Associations of Environmental Professionals
    EFIT European Facility for Industrial Transmutation
    EFNDT European Federation for Non-Destructive Testing
    EFNUDAT European Facilities for Nuclear Data
    EFOMP European Federation of Organizations for Medical Physics
    EFPD Effective Full Power Days 4025
    EFQM European Foundation for Quality Management
    EFRS European Federation of Radiographer Societies
    EG Erkennungsgrenze
    EGPRS Enhanced GPRS
    EGS4 Electron Gamma Shower Version 4 (Monte Carlo code)
    EHC Environmental Health Criteria
    EHD Environmental Helpdesk
    EHF extremely high frequency 30-300 GHz
    EHS Environment, Health and Safety
    EHS electron hot spot
    EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
    EIDE enhanced IDE
    EINECS European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chem. Substances
    EIR Equipment Identity Register
    EIRP equivalent isotropically radiated power
    EIS executive-information-system
    EKAS Eidgenössische Kommission für Arbeitssicherheit
    EKKB Ersatzkernkraftwerk Beznau
    EKM elektronische Kommunikationsmittel
    ELDA Elektronische Lagedarstellung
    ELF Extremely Low Frequency
    ELF electromagnetic fields
    ELISA enzyme linked immunosorbent assay
    ELR excess lifetime risk
    ELV emission limit values
    EMAN European Medical ALARA Network
    EMAS Eco-management and audit scheme
    EMC electromagnetic compatibility
    EMF electric and magnetic fields
    EMF .emf Windows Enhanced Metafile
    EMI electromagnetic interference
    EML Environmental Measurements Laboratory
    EMO Exposition Mondiale de la Machine Outile
    EMP electromagnetic pulse
    EMS emergency medical system
    EMV el.magn. Verträglichkeit
    EMVU el.magn.Umweltverträglichkeit
    ENDF enlarged nuclear data file
    ENEN European Nuclear Education Network
    ENETRAP European Network on Education and Training in Radiological Protection
    ENHS Encapsulated Nuclear Heat Source
    ENIAC Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer
    ENIQ European Network for Inspection Qualification
    ENS European Nuclear Society
    ENSDF Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File
    ENSI Eidgen. Nukleares Sicherheitsinspektorat
    ENSTTI European Nuclear Safety Training and Tutoring Institute
    ENU natural enriched U
    ENVKG Energieverbrauchskennzeichnungsgesetz
    EOX Extrahierbares organisches Halogen
    EP Epoxid
    EPER European Pollution and Emission Register
    EPP Enhanced Parallel Port
    Epp Epistolae
    EPR European Pressurized Water Reactor
    EPR electron paramagnetic resonance
    EPRI Electric Power Research Institute
    EPS .eps encapsuled postscript
    EPS encapsulation plant store
    EPZ Emergency Planning Zone
    EQMD European Qualification Methodology Document
    ER excess risk
    ERA European Radiobiological Archive
    ERAD (atm.dispersion model for high explosive detonations)
    ERC European Radiocommunications Committee
    ERDA Energy Research and Development Administration
    ERDAS Emergency Response Dose Assessment System at KSC
    ERM Environmental Recources Management der EC DG XI
    ERO European Radiocommunications Office (Cop. OZ)
    ERPTS European Radiation Protection Training Scheme
    ERR excess relative risk
    ERRS European Radiation Research Society
    ERU re-enriched U
    ERVC External Reactor Vessel Cooling
    ESBWR economic simplified boiling water reactor
    ESDRED Engineering Studies and Demonstration of Repository Design
    ESE entrance skin exposure
    ESOREX European Study on Occupational Radiation Exposure
    ESP Electrostatic precipitator
    ESP early site permit
    ESR European Society of Radiology
    ESR equivalent series resistor
    ESR elctron spin resonance
    ESSC Enhanced Spacer Shadow Corrosion
    ESTEPE electron-step fractional energy loss per electron step
    ESTRO European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology
    ESWL extracorporal shock wave lithotripsy
    ETKM Education, Training and Knowledge Management
    ETNO European Telecommunication-Net Operators
    ETRAP Education and Training in Radiological Protection
    ETS Entscheidungstabellen-System
    ETSI European Telecommunication Standard Institute
    EUA Europäische Umwelt-Agentur
    EUCURIE European Community Urgent Radiation Information Exchange
    EUDXF European DX Foundation
    EUE End-use Equipment
    EuGH Europäischer Gerichtshof
    EULEP European Late Effects Project
    EUR European Utility Requirement
    EURADOS European Radiation Dosimetry Group
    EURDEP European Data Exchange Platform
    EURSSEM Environmental Radiation Surveyand Site Execution Manual
    EUTERP European Training and Education in Radiation Protection platform
    EVA extra-vehicular activity
    EWN Energiewerke Nord
    EXD Extensible Markup Language

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    FaCT Fast Reactor Cycle Technology
    FACTS Flexible Alternating Current Transmission Systems
    FAG Fernmeldeanlagengesetz
    FAPS forecasting air pollution control system
    FASM Future attack submarine
    FAST Field Assessment Survey Tool
    FAT file allocation table
    FB fractional bias
    FC Fibre Channel
    FCC Federal Communications Commission (K)
    FCS frame check sequence
    FDA Food and Drug Administration (K)
    FDD frequency division duplex
    FDG fluorodeoxyglucose
    fdSC fully developed safety case
    FDTD finite difference time domain
    FEC forward error correction
    FEM finite element method
    femu Forschungszentrum für Elektro-Magnetische Unverträglichkeit
    FEP features, events, and processes
    FF Fabric filter
    FFA Forces Françaises Stationnées en Allemagne
    FFD Failed Fuel Detection
    FFRRA fédération française des relais radioamateurs
    FFT Fast Fourier Transformation
    FFTR Fast Flux Test Facility (Hanford)
    FGAN Forschungsges.f.Angewandte Naturwissenschaften
    FIB First Institute of Biophysics
    FIDLER Field Instrument for the Detection of Low-Energy Radiation
    Fido-Net keine Abkürzung
    Fifo first in, first out; Datenpuffer
    FIR Fast infrared
    FIS BODEN Fachinformationssystem Bodenkunde
    FIS Sto BoFachinform.syst.Stoffl.Bodenbelastung (LUA NW)
    FISH flourescence in situ hybridization
    FIZ Fachinformationszentrum
    FLECHT Full Length Emergency Core Heat Transfer
    FLPO Future Licensing Project Organization (K)
    FLV Flash Video - Format zum Übertragen von Videos
    FMK Foreningen af Miljomedarbedjdere i kommunerne (OZ)
    FMVO Futtermittel-VO
    FOM figure of merits
    FORTRAN Formula Translation
    FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array
    FPIS forward propagation ionospheric scatter
    FPX .fpx FlashPix
    FQD Fully Qualified Domain Name
    FRAP Fuel Rod Analysis Program
    FRERP Fed'l Radiological Emergency Response Plan
    FRM .frm Extension: VB Formulardatei
    FRM Forschungsreaktor München
    FRMAC Fed'l Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Center
    FRP Forschungsrahmenprogramm
    FRU field replacable unit
    FSA Food Standards Agency
    FSAR Final Safety Analysis Report
    FSB front-side bus
    FSC Fixed Series Compensation
    FSK frequency-shift keying
    FSP File Service Protocol
    FST Femtosekunden-Technologie
    FSU former Soviet Union FTA fission track analysis
    FTDT finite difference time domain
    FTEG Gesetz über Funkanlagen und Telekommunikationseinrichtungen
    FTP file transfer protocol
    FUNET Finnish University and Research Network
    FwDV Feuerwehr-Dienstvorschrift
    FWS U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
    FYI for your information
    FZD Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
    FZJ Forschungszentrum Jülich
    FZK Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe
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    GAA gross alpha-particle activity
    GAO General Accounting Office
    GAP Generic Access Profile
    GAS giant air showers
    GBU Global Business Units
    GC Gaschromatographie
    GCHQ Gov'ment Communications HQ (G)
    GCM General Circulation Model
    GCR Galactic Cosmic Radiation
    GCR General Certification Rule
    GCSE Gov′t Certificate of Secondary Education
    gda gospoda, Frau
    GDCS gravity-driven cooling system
    gdica gospodica, Frl.
    GFCC Gas fired combined cycle
    GFK Glas-Faserverstärkter Kunststoff
    GFR Gas-Cooled Fast Reactor
    GFSK Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying
    GFZ Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum
    GG Gefahrengruppe
    GHCC Global Hydrology and Climate Center
    GHG greenhouse gas
    GIF .gif Extension; Graphik: graphics import filter
    GIF .gif Graphics Interchange Format
    GIS Geographic Information System
    GL .gl Extension; animierte Graphik
    GLAST Fermi Gamma Ray Space Telescope
    GM gray matter
    GMR -Technik: Giant Magnetoresistive Heads (HD)
    GMSK Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying-modulation
    GNB Gesellschaft für Nuklearbehälter mbH
    GOV Government-Domäne
    GPFC Grid Power Flow Controller
    GPHS General Purpose Heat Source
    GPN gross national product
    GPRS General Packet Radio Service
    GPS Global Positioning System
    GRAL Graz Lagrange Model
    GRAMM Graz mesoscale model
    GRL generic reference level
    GRNC groupe radioécologie Nord-Cotentin
    GRI Global Reporting Initiative
    GSM Global System for Mobile Communications
    GSM Groupe Spéciale Mobile
    GSD geometric standard deviation
    GSLP Gaussian straight-line plume
    GT groupe de travail
    GTRR Georgia Tech Research Reactor
    GT-MHR Gas Turbine - Modular Helium Reactor
    GUI Graphical User Interface: PC mit Graphikoberfläche
    GUV Regel d.Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der gemeindlichen Unfall-
    GUV2 versicherungsträger
    Gy Gray

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    HAARP High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program
    HADES High Activity Disposal Experimental Site (Mol, ON)
    HAL Hardware Abstraction Layer
    HAL highly-active liquor
    HAO Haute Activité Oxyde (WAA)
    HAP Hydrated Antimony Pentoxide /2052/
    HAP Health Advisory Panel
    HARP High Altitude Research Project
    HARV High Alpha research vehicle
    HASL Health and Safety Laboratory
    HAW High Active Waste
    HAZAN hazard assessment
    HAZOP hazard and operability
    Hb Hämoglobin
    HCDA Hypothetical Core Disruptive Accident
    HCL hardware compatibility list
    HCRP Hardcopy Cable Replacement Profile
    HCTM Hypotheses Concerning Two Means
    HDCP High-Bandwidth Digital Content Protection
    HDF Hierarchical Data Format (HDF5)
    HDLC high-level data link control (ISDN-Protokoll)
    HEAST Health Effects Assessment Summary Tables
    HEDL Hanford Engineering Development Laboratory
    HEMT high electron mobility transistor
    HEPCO Hokkaido Electric Power Co.
    HEPnet High-Energy Physicist-Netzwerk (CERN)
    HERCA Heads of Europ.Radiol.Prot. Competent Authorities
    HETC High-Energy Transport Code
    HEU Highly Enriched Uranium
    HF high frequency 3-30 MHz
    HFS Hardware Functionality Scan
    HGÜ Hochspannungsgleichstromübertragung
    HHS Health and Human Services
    HID Human Interface Devices
    HIP Hot Isostatic Pressing (WAA)
    HKL Hass, Kallabis und Lettmayer (NH3-Spezialisten)
    HLUG Hessisches Landesamt für Umwelt und Geologie
    HLW High-level waste
    HMIP Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Pollution
    HML Human Monitoring Laboratory (Canada; whole body counting)
    HMM Hidden-Markov-Modell
    HMO Health Maintenance Organization
    HPA high polar atmosphere
    HPAC Hazard Prediction and Assessment Capability
    HPGe High Purity Germanium
    HPIS High Pressure Safety Injection System
    HPLC Hochdruckflüssigkeitschromatographie
    HPLWR high performance light water reactor
    HPS Health Physics Society
    HPSC high-performance super-computing
    HQX .hqx Extension; Kodierung v. MAC-Dateien StuffIt
    HRA Human Reliability Analysis
    HRR homologous recombinational repair
    HRTM Human Respiratory Tract Model
    HRV heart rate variability
    HSA Historical Site Assessment
    HSC High Speed Club
    HSCDS High Speed Circuit Switched Data
    HSDPA High Speed Downlink Packet Access
    HSE Health and Safety Executive
    HSK Hauptabt. f. d. Sicherheit der Kernanlagen (HB9)
    HSM Herzschrittmacher
    HSMD High Speed Mobile Data
    HSPA High Speed Packet Access
    HSPD Momeland Security Presidential Directive
    HSZG Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz
    HTDS Hanford Thyroid Disease Study
    HTFBC Hot-type fluidized bed combustion
    HTML Hypertext Markup Language
    HTR high temperature reactor
    HTTP HyperText Transfer Protocol im WWW
    Httpd HyperText Transfer Protocol Demon
    HVAC heating, ventilation, air conditioning
    HVBG Hauptverband der Gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften
    HWE healthy worker effect
    HWC hydrogen water chemistry
    HWOCR Heavy Water Moderated Organic Cooled Reactor
    HYSPLIT Hybrid Single-Particle Integrated Trajectory
    HZE high-atomic number, high-energy

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    IAB Internet Architecture Board
    IAEA International Atomic Energy Egency
    IANA Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
    IAP Internet Activities Board
    IAR Institut für Atmosphärische Radioaktivität
    IARC International Agency for Research on Cancer
    IARU International Amateur Radio Union
    IATA Int'l Air Transport Association
    IBP Int'l Beacon Project
    IC integrated circuit
    Icann Internet Corporation for Assigned Numbers and Names
    ICAO Int'l Civil Aviation Association
    ICBM intercontinental ballistic missile
    ICC International Chamber of Commerce, Paris
    ICC Internet Chess Club
    ICD Int'l Statistical Classification of Diseases....
    ICD Implantierbarer Kardioverter-Defibrillator
    ICE Institution of Civil Engineers
    ICES Int′l Committee on Electromagnetic Safety
    ICNIRP Int'l Commission Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection
    ICPP Idaho Chemical Processing Plant
    ICRCL Inter Departmental Committee for the Redevelopment of Contaminated Land
    ICRF Imperial Cancer Research Fund (G)
    ICRM Int'l Committee on Radionuclide Metrology
    ICRP International Commission on Radiological Protection
    ICS Incident Command System
    ICSBEP Int'l Criticality Safety Benchmark Experiments
    IDB integrated data base
    IDC individual dosimetric control
    ID identity definition
    IDCOR Industry Degraded Core Rulemaking (K)
    IDD-SAM Internal Device Dose-Simulation and Modeling
    IDE integrated development environment
    IDLH Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health Concentrations
    IDU Inst.d.Umweltgutachter,-auditoren u.-berater;
    IDU2 sh."IdU-Forum f.Umweltgutachter" u. Ouml;ko-Audit,7/96
    IE Internet Explorer
    IEB International Environment Bureau, Genf
    IEC Int'l Electrotechnical Committee, Genf
    IEC Int′l Electrotechnical Commission
    IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
    IEF Institut für Energieforschung
    IEGMP Independent Expert Group on Mobile Phones
    IEP Interactive Electronic Procedures
    IERS International Environmental Rating System
    IETF Internet Engineering Task Force; im IAB
    IFPE Int'l Fuel Performance Experiments
    IFRTP Institut français pour la recherche et la technologie polaire
    IGA intergranular attack
    IGCC Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle
    IGF insulin-like growth factor
    IGN Installationsgeräuschnormal
    IGR Impulse Graphite Reactor (UN)
    IGRT image guided radiation therapy
    IGSCC intergranular stress corrosion cracking
    IHD ischemic heart disease
    IHS ionic hot spot
    IIASA International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
    ILK Internationale Länderkommission Kerntechnik
    ILO Int'l Labour Organization
    ILW intermediate-level waste
    IMAP Interactive Mail Access Protocol
    IMDG-Code Intern.Maritime Dangerous Goods - Code
    IMEI Int'l Mobile Equipment Identity
    IMF Inert Matrix Fuels
    IMO Int.Seeschiffahrts-Organisation; Int'l Maritime Organization
    IMRT intensity modulated radiation therapy
    IMSI Int'l Mobile Subscriber Identity
    IMDS International Material Data System
    IND improvised nuclear device
    INE Institut für Nukleare Entsorgung
    INEEL Idaho Nat'l Engineering Laboratory
    INEL Idaho National Laboratory
    INES International Nuclear Event Scale
    INFCE Int'l Nuclear Fuel Cycle Evaluation
    INI .ini-Extension: Initialisierungsdaten-Datei (WIN)
    INIRC Int'l Non-Ionizing Radiation Committee
    INKA Intergraler Teststand Karlstein
    INMS Industrial and Medical Nuclear Safety
    INPO Institute of Nuclear Operations
    INSAG International Nuclear Safety Advisory Group
    INT domain of int'l organizations
    IOM Institute of Medicine
    IOPP Int'l Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate
    IP Indenopyren
    IP Internet Protocol
    IP-Adres. Numerische Internet-Adresse
    IPCC Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change
    IPM Institut für Prozesstechnik, Prozessautomatisierung und Messtechnik
    IPMN Israel-Palestine Mission Network
    IPO intercept point optimization
    IPP Integrierte Produktpolitik
    IPPC Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control
    IPS in-plain switching mode (Monitor)
    IPSN Institut de Protection et de Sûreté Nucléaire
    IPTS Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (Sevilla)
    IPX Internetwork Packet Exchange - Protokoll
    IRACS Intermediate Reactor Auxiliary Cooling System
    IRC Int'l Response Coupon
    IRC internet relay chat (Protokoll)
    IrDA Infrared data association
    IREP Interactive RadioEpidemiological Program
    IRID Ionising Radiation Incident Database
    IRIS International Reactor Innovative & Secure
    IRL in real life
    IRPA International Radiation Protection Association
    IRPhEP Int'l Reactor Physics Experimental Benchmarks Evaluation Project
    IRQ interrupt request (dä Vatta kommt!!!!)
    IRS Institut für Reaktorsicherheit
    IRS Incident reporting system
    IRSN Institut de Radioprotection et de la Sûreté Nucléaire
    IRTF Internet Research Task Force; im IAB
    IRWST in-containment refueling water storage tank
    ISA industry standard architecture (Bus)
    ISA Initiative sichere Abfallbehandlung (im VDMA)
    ISCII Indian Script Code for Information Interchange
    ISCORS Interagency Steering Committee on Radiation Standards
    ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network
    ISI intersymbol interference
    ISM Industrial, Scientific, and Medical
    ISNL International School of Nuclear Law
    ISO Int'l Organization for Standardization
    ISOE Information System on Occupational Exposure
    ISP Internet Service Provider
    ISRS International Safety Rating System
    ITAA Information Technology Association of America
    ITAR Int'l Traffic in Arms Regulations
    ITAS Inst.f.Technologiefolgenabschätzung u.Systemanalyse
    ITER Int′l Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor
    ITK Insight Toolkit
    ITRAP Illicit Trafficking Radiation Assessment Program
    itd. I tako dalje, usw.
    ITO Indium-Zinn-Oxid
    ITSP Internet Telephone Service Provider
    ITU International Telecommunications Union
    ITU Institute for Transuranium Elements
    IUAPPA Int'l Union of Air Pollution Prevention Associations
    IUPAC Int′l Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
    IVR In-Vessel Retention

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    JAERI Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
    JAP Java Anon Proxy
    JAXA Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
    JCCRER Joint Coordinating Committee on Radiation Effects Research
    JDK Java Development Kit
    JEFF Joint Evaluated Fission and Fusion (nuclear data library)
    JEM job-exposure-matrix
    JET Joint European Torus
    JFD joint frequency distribution
    JFO Joint Field Office
    JINR Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (R)
    JOL Journals On-Line
    JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group
    JPG .jpg Extension; Datei mit JPEG-Format
    JRC Joint Research Centre (Petten, PA)
    JRE Java Realtime Environment
    JSFR Japan Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor
    JSSS Java Script Style-Sheets
    JTTF Joint Terrorism Taskforce

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    KAERI Korean Atomic Energy Research Institute
    KAP kerma area product
    KBwS Kommission Bewertung wassergefährdender Stoffe
    KCR known conventional resources<
    KDD Knowledge Discovery in Databases
    KERMA Kinetic Energy Released in Material
    KGF Kératinocyte Growth Factor
    KHG Kerntechnischer Hilfsdienst GmbH
    KINT Dutch Knowledge Infrastructure on Nuclear Technology
    KIT Kernsoftware für intelligente Terminals
    KIT Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
    KM Kaplan-Meier
    KMU kleine und mittlere Unternehmen
    KN Kombinierte Nomenklatur (Tarif-Nr. d.gemeins Zollgebiets EG)
    KSA Eidgen. Kommiss. f. d. Sicherheit von Kernanlagen
    KSC Kennedy Space Center
    KTBL Kuratorium f.Technik u.Bauwesen i.d.Landwirtschaft
    KTRA Kuehlwasser-Teilstromreinigungsanlage THTR-300
    KUR Kyoto University Reactor
    KURR Kyoto University Research Reactor
    KUT Koordinierungsstelle Umwelttechnik (VDI)
    KVU Kühlmittelverlustunfall
    KWK Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung

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    LABO Bund-Länder-Arbeitsgemeinschaft Bodenschutz
    LAD low action drain
    LAGA Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft Abfall
    LAHET Los Alamos High-Energy Transport
    LAI Länderausschuß für Immissionsschutz
    LAN local area network
    LANL Los Alamos Nat'l Laboratory
    LAP link access procedure
    LASI Länderausschuß für Arbeitsschutz und Sicherheitstechnik
    LASL Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory
    LAW Low Active Waste
    LAWA Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft Wasser
    LBS Location Based Services
    LC licence condition (requirement)
    LC Liaison Committee (CPD)
    LCD liquid cristal display
    LCLS Linac Coherent Light Source
    LCP Large combustion plant
    LCPD Large combustion plant directive
    LCR lung cancer mortality rate
    LD Leuchtdiode
    LDA Laser Doppler Anemometrie
    LDAP Light Weight Directory Access Protocol
    LDO Liber divinorum operum
    LDR light dependent resistor
    LDV Leistungsdichteverteilung
    LEA Laboratoire Etalons d'Activité
    LEA Local Education Agency
    LEC liquide extra-cellulaire
    LEC Loviisa Energy Center
    LERF Large Early Release Frequency
    LES large-eddy simulation
    LET Linear energy transfer
    LEU Low Enriched Uranium
    LF low frequency 30-300 kHz
    LFA Lead Federal Agency
    LFR Lead-Cooled Fast Reactor
    LHA .lha Extension; Datei m.lharc bearb.
    LHS Latin Hypercube Sampling
    LICI Lower individual confidence interval
    LIDUM Literaturdokumentation Umwelt
    LIGO Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory
    LILCO Long Island Lighting Company
    LIMDOW Laser Intensitiy Modulation Direct Overwrite (CD)
    LIS Lightning Imaging Sensor
    LISA Laser Interferometer Space Antenna
    LL lymphoid leukemia
    LL PROT 88 Prot.88 Int'l Convention on Load Lines
    LLD lower limit of detection
    LLD lower limit discriminator
    LLE loss of life expectancy
    LLI Lower Large Intestine
    LLNL Lawrence Livermore Nat'l Laboratory
    LLR low-level radiation
    LLRW low level radioactive waste
    LLRWPAA Low-Level Waste Policy Amendmends Act
    LLW low-level waste
    LMA Liabilities Management Authority
    LMDS localized multiply damaged sites
    LMOS Lake Michigan Ozone Study
    LMS Lightning Mapper Sensor
    LNHL Leukaemia/Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
    LNT linear no-threshold (theory, hypothesis...)
    LOAEL Lowest Observed Adverse Level
    LOCA Loss-Of-Coolant Accident
    LOD Lower detection limit
    LOFT Loss-Of-Fluid Test
    LÖLF Landesanst.f.Ökologie, Landschaftsentwi.u.Forstplanung
    LPD Lagrangian particle dispersion
    LPDM Lagrangian particle dispersion model
    LPIS Low Pressure Safety Injection System
    LPM Lagrangian particle model
    LPT line printer
    LS Lagrangian stochastic...
    LSA low surface activity
    LSB least-significant bit
    LSC liquid scintillation
    LSC liquid scintillation counting
    LSD liquid scintillation detector
    LSL Link Support Layer (DOS-Netzwerk)
    LSO laser safety officer
    LSS, LS Lagrangian stochastic simulation
    LSS Life Span Study
    LST Local standard time
    LTE Long Term Evolution
    LTSR long-term safety review
    LUA NW Landesumweltamt NW
    LUDEP Lung Dose Evaluation Program
    LUDUC Lung Dose Uncertainty Code
    LVD Leistungsverteilungsdetektor
    LVM Liber vitae meritorum
    LWA Land Withdrawal Act

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    MA minor actinides
    MAB Man and Biosphere, UNESCO-Programm ab 1970
    MAC maximum allowable concentration
    MAC Medium Access Control
    MAFF Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (G)
    MAGLEV magnetically levitated vehicle
    MAN metropolitan area network
    MANOVA multivariate analysis of variance
    MAP Munich-Centre for Advanced Photonics
    MARIA Methods for Assessing the Radiologic.Impact of Accidents
    MARLAP Multi-Agency Radiation Laboratory Protocols Manual
    MARSSIM Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual
    MAST Mega Amp Spherical Tokamak
    MBA Mechanisch-Biologische Abfallbehandlungsanlage
    MBGWS misc. beta/gamma waste store
    MBR Master Boot Record
    MBRA Mechanisch-biologische Restmüllbehandlungsanlage,Kalte Rotte
    MCFC Molten carbonate fuel cell (Brennstoffzelle)
    MCNP Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport Program
    MCNPX MCNPextended
    MSC multichannel scaler
    MDA Minimum detectable activity (whole body counting, e.g.)
    MDA medical data analysis
    MDCT multidetector array CT
    MDEA Methyldiethanolamin
    MDEP Multinational Design Evaluation Program
    MDI Multiple Document Interface (VB5)
    MEA Monoethanolamin
    MED Manhattan Engineering District
    MEEP MIT Electromagnetic Propagation
    MEGAPIE Megawatt Pilot Experiment
    MEI maximally exposed individual
    MEIR Medical Effects of Ionizing Radiation
    MEL Marine Environment Laboratory
    MELODI Multidisciplinary European Low Dose Activity
    MEMO non-hydrostatic mesoscale meteorological model
    MEMS Modular Emergency Medical System
    MEQ muscle equivalent
    METI Ministry od Economy, Trade, and Industry (JA)
    METROPOL medical treatment protocols for radiation accident victims
    MF medium frequency 300-3000 kHz
    MF Melamin-Formaldehyd
    MGED Multi-device Graphics Editor
    MHGR modular helium reactor
    MHS Metallhydridspeicher
    MHTML MIME encapsulation of aggregate HTML documents
    MID Maximale Immissions-Dosen 1/762 (1752)
    MIDI musical instrument digital interface (Norm)
    MIL military domain
    MIME multipurpose internet mail extensions (Protokoll)
    MIMO Multiple Input, Multiple Output
    MINOS Main Injector Neutrino Oscillation Search
    MIR Maximale Immissions-Raten 1/762 (1752)
    MIRD Medical Internal Radiation Dose
    ML myeloid leukemia
    MLC multi-leaf collimator
    MMC multimedia card MMS Multimedia Messaging Service
    MMS Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstelle
    MMW millimeter wave
    MNP Microcom Network Protocol für komprim. Daten
    MO magneto-optisch (CD)
    MOC maintenance of certification
    MoD Ministry of Defence
    MOF multi-organ failure
    MOFA Modenfeldstabilisierung in Hochleistungs-Faserlaser- und Verstärkungssystemen
    MOI multi-organ involvement
    MORSE Multigroup Oak Ridge Stochastic Experiment
    MOX mixed oxide fuel
    MPA MAYAK Production Association
    MPBB Maximum Permissible Body Burden
    MPC Maximum Permissible Concentration
    MPE maximum permissible exposure
    MPEG Motion Picture expert group
    MPG .mpg Extension; Datei mit MPEG-Format
    MPO myeloperoxidase
    MPR statens Mät- och PRovrad
    MPS missing pellet surface
    MPW medical pathological waste
    MQA minimum quantifiable activity
    MR -Technik: magnetoresistive heads (HD)
    MR magnetic resonance
    MRC Medical Research Council (GB)
    MRC Medical Reserve Corps
    MRI magnetic resonance image (imaging)
    MRSI magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging
    MSB most-significant bit
    MSBWR Modular Simlified Boiling Water Reactor
    MSCDN Mechanically Switched Capacitive Damping Network
    MSCT multi-slice CT
    MSK-Skala Modifizierte Mercalli-Skala
    MSKCC Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
    MSL metres above sea level
    MSN multiple subsriber number (ISDN)
    MSR Molten Salt Reactor
    MT metal tritide
    MTGR mobile truck gamma-ray
    MTU Maximum Transfer Unit
    MV mean value
    MVL minimum visible lesion
    MXB Multimedia eXtension Board
    MYRRHA Mulipurpose Hybrid Research Reactor for High-technology Application

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    n.z. na znanje
    NAAQS National Ambient Air Quality Standards
    NACEPT Nat'l Advisory Council for Environmental Policy and Technology
    NACISA NATO Communications and Information Systems Agency
    NALS Normenausschuß Akustik, Lärmminderung u.Schwingungstechnik
    NAR Normenausschuss Radiologie
    NAREL Nat′l Air and Radiation Environmental Laboratory
    NAS National Academy of Sciences
    NAS Network Attached Storage
    NASA Nat'l Aeronautic and Space Administration
    NATO-CCMS NATO - Committee for the Challenges of Modern Society
    NAZ Nationale Alarmzentrale (HB9)
    nb naš broj
    NBG Neumann-Bernays-Gödel
    NCAR National Center for Atmospheric Research
    NCDXF Northern California DX Foundation
    NCHS National Center for Health Statistics
    NCI National Cancer Institute
    NCIB Nat'l Charities Information Bureau
    NCP Network Control Protocol
    NCRP Nat'l Council on Radiation Protection and Measurement
    NCSA Nat'l Center for Supercomputing Applications
    NCSA Telnet-Programm der Clarkson Univ.NY
    NDAWG National Dose Assessment Working Group
    NDIS Network device driver interface specification
    NDN Nat'l Defense Network
    NDRI nicht-dispersive Infrarot-Messung (Emissionsmessung NOx)
    NDT Nil Ductility Transition
    NDT Non Destructive Testing
    NEA Nuclear Energy Agency
    NEC Numerical Electromagnetic Code
    NEF Noise Exposure Forecast
    NEHAP National Environment Health Action Plan
    NEHC Neighbourhood Emergency Help Center
    NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association
    NEMA Nat'l Electrical Manufacturers Association, USA
    NEPOMUC Neutron-induced Positron Source Munich
    NESHAP Nat'l Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants
    NEST Nuclear Emergency Support Team
    NET network domain
    NET nonlinear effective threshold
    NETA New Electricity Trading Arrangement
    NEXT Nationwide Evaluation of X-ray Trends
    NFOLD No Flicker Of Last Digit
    NFPA Nat'l Fire Protection Association
    NFR Near Field Recording (HD)
    NFS Nuclear Fuel Services
    NFS Network File System
    NFS Notfallsituation
    NGDC National Geophysical Data Center
    NHANES National Health and Nutrition Examination Studies
    NHEJ non-homologous end joining
    NHL non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
    NHP nonhuman promate
    NIAID Nat'l Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
    NIBIS Niedersächsisches Bodeninformationssystem
    NIC Network-Information-Center
    NIEHS National Institute of Environmental Health Science
    NIH Nat'l Institutes of Health (J)
    NII Nuclear Installations Inspectorate
    NIMAS Nat′l Instructional Materials Accessibility Standard
    NIMBY not in my backyard
    NIMS National Incident Management System
    NIOSH Nat'l Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
    NIR non-ionizing radiation
    NIR near infrared (light)
    NIST Nat'l Institute of Standards and Technology
    NKS Nordic Nuclear Safety Research
    NLC noctilucent clouds
    NLM National Library of Medicine
    NLS Nat′l Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
    NMAM NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods
    NMED New Mexico Environment Department
    NMED Nuclear Materials Events Database
    NMP Normenausschuss Materialprüfung
    NMR nuclear magnetic resonance
    NMSE normalized mean square error
    NMSS Nuclear Materials Safety and Safeguards
    NMT Nordic Mobile Telephone
    NMT Nuclear Materials Technology
    NMT nuclear medicine technologist
    NMT Nordic Mobile Telephony
    NNC National Nuclear Centre (UN)
    NNDC National Nuclear Data Center
    NNRP Naval Nuclear Regulatory Panel
    NNSA National Nuclear Security Administration
    NNTP Network News Transfer Protokoll im Usenet
    NOAA National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration
    NOAEL No Observed Adverse Effect Level
    NOC normal operation conditions
    NOEC No Observed Effect Concentration
    NOKO Notkondensator
    NORM naturally occuring radioactive material
    NORMAN Normalized Man
    NOTE non-targeted effects
    NPCIL Nuclear Power Corporation of India
    NPD Nuclear Power Demonstration Reactor (VE)
    NPG NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards
    NPP nuclear power plant
    NQA Nuclear Quality Assurance
    NRC Nat'l Research Council
    NRC U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
    NRDL Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory
    NRF Nat'l Response Framework
    NRI non-resident Indian NRL Naval Research Laboratory
    NRPB National Radiological Protection Board (G)
    NRR Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (USNRC)
    NRRPT National Registry of Radiation Protection Technologists
    NRRW National Registry for Radiation Workers (G)
    NSA National Security Agency
    NSA Normalized Specific Activity
    NSAID non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug
    NSC Nuclear Safety Commission (JA)
    NSD Nuclear Safety Division
    NSF Nat'l Science Foundation
    NSI Network Solutions, Inc.
    NSREC Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference
    NSSS Nuclear Steam Supply System
    NTBA Network termination Basisanschluss
    NTBA Network Termination for ISDN Basic rate Access
    NTEC Nuclear Technology Education Consortium
    NTS Nevada Test Site
    NTSC Norm television system committee
    NTT Nippon Telegraph and Telephone
    NULIFE Nuclear Plant Life Prediction
    NUSAP Numeral Unit Spread Assessment Pedigree
    NV Nevada
    NVRAM non volatile random access memory
    NWG Nachweisgrenze
    NWP Normal Working Pressure
    NWRS Nationwide Radiological Study

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    OAW Optically Assisted Winchester (HD)
    OBT organically bound tritium
    OCLC Online Computer Library Catalog Infosystem
    OCONUS Outside continental U.S.
    OCR Optical character recognition
    OCR optically coupled regenerative
    ODE off-diagonal elements
    ODE ordinary differential equations
    ODP Open Directory Project
    OECD Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
    OFDM orthogonal frequency division multiplexing
    OFDMA Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access
    OFGEM (electricity regulator in UK)
    OHA Open Handset Alliance
    OIL operational intervention level
    OIT Organisation Internationale du Travail
    OL Operating License
    OLAP On-Line Analytical Processing
    OLE object linking and embedding
    OLS Operational Linescan System
    OLTP On-Line Transaction Processing
    OMI Organisation Maritime Internationale
    OPAC Online Public Access Catalogue
    OPCS Office of Population Censuses and Surveys (GB)
    OpenHCI Open Host Controller Interface
    OR odds ratio
    ORAU Oak Ridge Associated Universities
    ORERP Off-Site Radiation Exposure Review Project
    ORG domain of non-commercial organizations
    ORINS Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies
    ORS Operational Radiation Safety
    OSART Operational Safety Review Team
    OSD on-screen display
    OSFI Open Standards Fibre Initiative
    OSI Open Systems Interconnection Normierungsstandard
    OSL optically stimulated luminescence
    OSPAR Oslo/Paris Convention relating to pollution of the marine environment
    OSPARCOM Oslo-Paris-Commissions (Umweltschutz)
    OSPM Operating System directed Power Management
    OSPM Operational Street Polution Model
    OSR Off-Site Source Recovery
    OSS Organisation-System-Schnittstelle
    OST DOE Office of Science and Technology
    OSTP Office of Science Technology and Policy
    OTA Office for Technology Assessment
    OTD Operational Transient Detector
    OTP one time programmable
    OVNI objet volant non identifié
    OVSV Österreichischer Versuchssenderverband
    OWC oscillating water column
    OWC optimum water chemistry

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    P&A Procedures and Arrangements
    PA Polyamid
    PA Posterior-Anterior
    PA performance assessment
    PAA Price-Anderson Act
    PACS picture archiving and communication system
    PAEC potential alpha energy concentration
    PAFC Phosphoric acid fuel cell (Brennstoffzelle)
    PAG Protective Action Guide (USA)
    PAH polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
    PAI Polyamidimid
    PAMELA Phosphate Glass Sodification And Metall Embedding of
    PAMELA2 Liquid Activewaste
    PAMINA Perfomance Assessment Methodologies in Application to the Safety Case
    PAN Peroxiacetyl Nitrat
    PAR puissance apparante rayonnée
    PARCOM Oslo and Paris Commissions
    PAVT Performance Assessment Verification Test
    PBC partial body counter
    PBFBC Pressurized Bubbling Fluidized Bed Combustion
    PBI partial-body irradiation
    PBL planetary boundary layer
    PBMR Pebble Bed Modular Reactor
    PBS Public Broadcasting Service
    PC Polycarbonat
    PCC premature chromosome condensation
    PCF Point Coordination Function
    PCI peripheral component interconnect
    PCI pellet cladding interaction
    PCI Practice Quality Improvement
    PCMCIA (WLan PC-Karte)
    PCMI pellet cladding mechanical interaction
    PCP Primary coolant pump
    PCRV Prestressed Concrete Reactor Vessel
    PDA personal digital assistant
    PDC Primary Domain Controller
    PDC Personal Digital Cellular system
    pdf probability density function
    PDF portable document format
    PDG Particle Data Group
    PDOE produit de distortion des oto-émissions
    PE Polyethylen
    PE photoelectron
    PEA potentiel évoqué auditif
    PEC Predicted Environmental Concentration (EC)
    PEFC Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell
    PEM Polymer-Elektrolyt-Membran
    PEM personal RF exposure meter
    PERD personal emergency radiation detector
    PET positron emission tomography
    PET Poly(ethylenterephtalat)
    PF Pulverized Fuel
    PFBC Pressurised fluidised bed combustion
    PGAA Prompte Gamma-Aktivierungsanalyse
    PGP Pretty Good Privacy
    PGN .pgn Portable Game Notation
    Ph Physica
    PHA phytohemagglutinin
    PHEMCE Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures Enterprise
    PHMSA Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
    PHWR pressurized heavy water reactor
    PI Polyimid
    PI principle investigator
    PID protocol identifier
    PID proportional-integral derivative
    PIDC Prototype International Data Center
    PIE Post Irradiation Examination
    PII Personally Identifiable Information
    PIM Personal Information Manager
    PIME Public Information Materials Exchange
    PIMS Process Information Management System
    PING Packet Internet Groper; Programm
    PINT PSTN/Internet Interworking
    PIO programmed input/output
    PIRE puissance isotrope rayonnée équivalente
    PIUS Process Inherent Ultimate Safety
    PIV Particle Image Velocity (Velocimetry)
    PKM parallelkinematische Machinen
    PKS-WAA Produktkontrolstelle für Wiederaufarbeitungsabfälle
    PLD Pulsed Laser Deposition
    PLIM Plant Life Management
    PLURIS PLUme RISe by Janicke
    PM particulate matter
    PMCH perfluoro-methyl-cyclohexane
    PML Principia Mechanica Ltd
    PML perfectly matched layer
    PMMA polymethylmethacrylate
    PMML Predictive Model Markup Language
    PMN polymorphonuclear leukocytes
    PMNC peripheral blood mononuclear cells
    PMR Private Mobile Radio
    PMS programmable memory scan
    PMT photomultiplier tube
    PN propyl nitrate
    PNEC Predicted No Effect Concentration
    PNG .png Portable Network Graphics
    PNNL Pacific Northwast National Laboratory
    PnP Plug & Pray
    PNS Projekt Nukleare Sicherheit
    PNS peripheral nervous system
    POC probability of causation
    POCO Post-operation clean-out
    POD Point of Distribution
    POI plan d'organisation interne
    POINT Working group on point sources
    POLYR Pollution of LYsimeteR
    POP Point of Presence; Anschlußpunkt
    POP Post Office Protocol (E-Mail)
    POP persistant organic pollutant
    POST power on self-test
    POT Plan d'Occupation des Toits
    POTW publicly owned treatment works
    PP Polypropylen
    PPB parts per billion
    PPE personal protective equipment
    PPG Project Prairie Grass
    PPI plan particulier d'intervention
    PPI pixels per inch
    PPI parental pre-conception irradiation
    PPM parts per million
    PPM piecewise parabolic method
    PPN Peroxypropionyl Nitrate
    PPP Point-to-Point Protocol aus SLIP
    PPPOE Point-to-Point-Protocol over Ethernet
    PPS Plant Protection System
    PRA probabilistic risk analysis
    PRACS Primary Reactor Auxiliary Cooling System
    PRESTA Parameter Reduced Electron-Step Transport Algorithm
    PRIDE PyRoprocess inactive Intregrated DEmonstartion
    PRILE primärseitige Leckageergänzung
    PRISME Propagation d'un Incendie pour des Scénarios Multi-locaux Élémentaires
    Proxy Programm: Zwischenspeicher f.Daten aus Netz
    PRT pressurizer relief tank
    PRTR Pollution and Transfer Register
    PS .ps Extension; PostScript Bibliotheksliste TN
    PS Polystyrol
    PSA probabilistic safety assessment
    PSA pulse shape analysis
    PSA Persoenliche Schutzausruestung
    PSAR Page Summary And Revision
    PSAR Preliminary Safety Analysis Report
    PSCO Port State Control
    PSD plastic scintillation detector
    PSI Paul Scherrer Institut
    PSK phase shift keying
    PSN Packet Switch Node
    PSNV Psychosoziale Notfallversorgung
    PSO Protocol Supporting Organisation
    PSPC position-sensitive gas-proprtional counter
    PSR periodic safety review
    PSR perfectly stirred reactor
    PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network
    PT Pošta i Telekomunikacije
    PTC pediatric thyroid cancer
    PTFE Poly(tetrafluoethylen)
    PTS Pressurized Thermal Shock
    PÜ Pariser Haftungsübereinkommen
    PUMA Plutonium Materials Analysis
    PUR Polyurethan
    PUREX Pu and U Recovery, Solvent Extraction
    PVC Poly(vinylchlorid)
    PVP Protected Video Path
    PWL password list (extension)
    PWR pressurized water rector
    PWROG Pressurized Water Reactors Owners Group

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    QA quality assurance
    QE quantum efficiency
    QLM quantenlogische homöopatische Medizin (hi)
    QoS Quality of Service
    QPSK Quadrature Phase Shift Keying
    QUIC Quick Urban and Industrial Complex dispersion model

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    R2P2 Reducing Risk, Protecting People
    RABA (mech.-biol.)Restabfallbehandlungsanlage
    RABIT Rapid Automated Biodosimetry Tool
    RACER Risk Analysis, Communication, Evaluation and Reduction
    RADAIR Réseau Automatique de Détection dans l'Air des Immissions Radioactives (HB9)
    RADAR Rapid Deployment Amateur Radio
    RADIZ Radon-Dokumentations- und Informationszemtrum Schlema
    RADRUE Realistic Analytical Dose Reconstruction with Uncertainty Estimation
    RAFM reduziert aktivierbar ferritisch-martensitisch
    RAIN realistic assessment of rad.doses..nuclear installations und.normal conditions
    RAM random access memory; read-only memory
    RAMDAC ram digital analog converter (DA-Wandler)
    RAMS Regional atmospheric modeling system
    RAN Reservisten-Arbeitsgemeinschaft Notfunk
    RANET Response Assistance Network
    RAP Radiological Assistance Program
    RAPHAEL Reactor for Process Heat, Hydrogen and Electricity Generation
    RAR Reasonably Assured Resources
    RARE Résaux Associées pour la Récherche Européenne
    RASS Radio Acoustic Sounding System
    RATCHET Regional Atmospheric Transport Code for Hanford Environmental Tracking
    RBE relative biological effectiveness
    RBMK Reaktor Bolschoi Moschtschnosti Kanalny
    RBP Registered Biosafety Professional
    RCB Reactor Containment Building
    RCDT reactor coolant drain tank
    RCE Rose Consulting & Engineering
    RCEP Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution
    RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
    RCS radiation containment system
    RCS reactor coolant system
    RCV(R) receiver
    RDBMS Relational Data Base Management Systems
    RDD radiological dispersal device
    RDF relative distribution factor
    RDP radon decay product
    RDS Residue Desulphurization
    REAC/TS Radiological Emergency Assistance Center/Training Site
    REACH Register Evaluate Authorization of Chemicals
    READIG Reaktorleittechnik Digital
    REC random error component
    RECA Radiation Exposure Compensation Act
    RED radiological exposure device
    REDOX (Pu and U) Recovery, Solvent and Extraction
    REF Reseau des Emetteurs Francais
    REF radiation effectiveness factor
    REG .reg-Extension: Registry-Datei (Windows)
    RegTP Regulationsbehö. Telekommunikation und Post
    REI Richtlinie zur Emissions-u.Immiss.überwach.kerntechn.Anlagen
    REKLIP Regio-Klima-Projekt
    RELAP Reactor Excursion and Leak Analysis Program
    REM roentgen equvalent man
    REM radioactivity environmental monitoring
    REMAB Roentgen Equivalent Manikin Absorption
    REMCAL Roentgen Equivalent Manikin Calibration
    REMM Radiation Emergency Medical Management
    REMPAN Radiation Emergency Medical Preparedness and Assistance Network
    REPU reprocessed uranium
    RERF Radiation Effects Research Foundation
    RERTR Reduced Enrichment of Research and Test Reactors
    RESRAD residual radioactivity model and code
    RET reticulocyte
    RF Radiofrequency
    RFC Request for Comment
    RFD Request for Discussion
    RfD Reference Dose
    RFETS Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site
    RFF Refined first fit algorithmus
    RFID Radio Frequency Identification
    RFP Rocky Flats Plant
    RFP Radio Fixed Parts
    RFR radiofrequency radiation
    RGE Revue Générale de l'Electricité
    RGM Règlement Général des Radiocommunications
    RGV Rindergroßvieheinheit
    RH remote-handled
    RHIC Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider
    RHRTR Russian Human Radiobiology Tissue Repository
    RIENL Radiation and Indoor Environment Nat′l Laboratory
    RIFE Radioactivity in food and the environment
    RIIA Royal Institute of International Affairs
    RI-ISI risk-informed in-service inspection
    RIME Radioactivity in the Marine Environment
    RIN Radiation Information Netork
    RIPE Réseaux IP Européens Dachorgan.Netzwerkbetreiber
    RIS radiation induced signal
    RISC reduced instruction set computer
    RISC-RAD Radiosensitivity of Individuals and Susceptibility to Cancer induced by ionizing Radiations
    RISMET risk-informed in-service inspection methodology
    RIT receiver incremental tuning
    RITA Research and Innovative Technology Administration
    RKM Rationalisierungs-Kuratorium der Dt.Wirtschaft e.V.,
    RKM2 Eschborn (sh.Öko-Audit-Art. "Nützliche Erfahrungen" 7/96)
    RKR Ressourcenkostenrechnung
    RLG Rahmenleitungsgruppe
    RLWTF Radioactive Liquid Waste Treatment Facility
    RMAC Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Center
    RMS root mean square
    RnDP radon decay products
    RNMDR Russian National Medical and Dosimetric Registry
    ROAAM Risk Orientated Accident Analysis Methodology
    ROCOM Rossendorf Coolant Mixing Model
    RODOS Real-time On-line Decision Support System
    ROHS Restriction of Hazardous Substances
    ROM read only memory
    ROS reactive oxygen species
    ROSIS Radiation Oncology Safety Information System
    ROW Rest Of the World
    RP Recommended Practice
    RPE Radiation Protection Equipment
    RPE retinal pigment epithelial...
    RPII Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland
    RPC Remote Procedure Call
    RPE radiation protection expert
    RPG Report Program Generator
    RPV reactor pressure vessel
    RR relative risk
    RRRC Regulatory Requirements Review Committee (USNRC)
    RRZN Regionales Rechenzentrum für Niedersachsen
    RS rain scatter
    RSA Rivest-Shamir-Adleman-Verfahren
    RSA Radiation Surveillance Associates Inc.
    RSC Radioactive Substances Committee
    RSD relative standard deviation
    RSGB Radio Society of Great Britain
    RSICC Radiation Safety Information Computational Center
    RSNA Radiological Society of North America
    RSO Radiation Safety Officer
    RSPA Research and Special Program Administration
    RSS radiation safety system
    RSU Rat von Sachverständigen für Umweltfragen
    RTC Radio Telegraphy Club
    RTC real time clock
    RTE réseau de transport d′électricité
    RTEP Real Time Event Processor
    RTF rich text format
    RTG radioisotope thermoelectric generator
    rTMS repetitive Transkranielle Magnetstimulation
    RTPR Reference Theta Pinch Reactor
    RTS request to send
    RTS Radiological Triage System
    RUMS Richtlinien im Umweltschutz
    RV record and verify system
    RW rewritable (CD)
    RWIN Receive Window
    RWMAC Radioactive Waste Management Advisory Committee (UK)
    RWP Radiation Work Permit

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    SA Specific energy absorption J/kg
    SA specific activity
    SAA Sulfuric acid aerosol
    SAF self-absorption factor
    SAF specific absorbed fraction
    SAFEST Safety for Applications of Femtosecond-Laser-Technology
    SAN Styrol/Acrylnitrit
    SAN Storage Area Network
    SAP Systeme, Anwendungen, Produkte i.d.Datenverarbeitung
    SAP safety assessment principles
    SAR Safety analysis report
    SAR Save and Rescue
    SAR Specific absorption rate (W/kg; NIR)
    SARAM Société d'Applications Radioélectriques à l'Aéronautique et à la Marine
    SARP Severe Accident Research Program (US)
    SASS Self Actuated Shutdown System
    SAT Site Analysis Branch (USNRC)
    SAV Sonderabfallverbrennungsanlage
    Sc Scivias
    SCAR Severnside Campaign Against Radiation (GB)
    SCC stress corrosion cracking
    SCE sister chromatid exchanges
    SCK Nuclear Research Centre (Mol, ON)
    SCLWR supercritical light water thermal spectrum reactor
    SCM surface contamination monitor
    SCM superconducting magnet
    SCMC self de choc mode commun
    SCO surface contaminated object
    SCR Selective catalytic reduction
    SCREAM South Coast Radiation Eliminatiom Action Movement (GB)
    SCRN Screen
    SCSI small computer system interface
    SCUBA self-contained underwater breathing apparatus
    SCWR Supercritical Water-Cooled Reactor
    SD standard deviation
    SD secure digital
    SDA Subsurface Disposal Area
    SDAP Service Discovery Application Profile
    SDI Single Document Interface (VB5)
    SDK Software Development Kit
    SDP Sellafield drypack plant
    SDR software-defined radio
    SDRAM synchronous dynamic RAM
    SDSL Symmetric DSL
    SDX storage data acceleration
    SE sicherer Einschluß
    SEA .sea Extension; self extracting archive
    SEA State Education Agency
    SECAM séquentiel couleur à memoire
    SEE specific effective energy
    SEER Surveillance, Epidemology, and End Results
    SEFR Steuerelementführungsrohre
    SEM scanning electron microscope
    SENN spatailly extended nonlinear node
    SEO search engine optimization
    SEPA Scottish Environment Protection Agency
    SES socioeconomic status
    SEWD Schutz vor Störmaßnahmen und sonstiger Einwirkungen Dritter
    SFEN Société Française d'Énergie Nucléaire
    SFR Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor
    SFRP Société Française de Radioprotection
    SGD Staatliche Geologische Dienste
    SGEMP system-generated EMP
    SGML Standard Generalized Markup Language
    SGTR Steam Generator Tube Rupture
    SHAFT Solution of Helmholtz Equation Applying Fourier Transf.
    SHAR .shar Ext.;bearb.m. shar; Text
    SHE standard hydrogen electrode
    SHF Super High Frequency 3-30 GHz
    s-http secure http (auch https)
    SI Systeme International d'Unites
    SID Subscription Identifier
    SIFS Short Inter-Frame Space
    SIG Special Interest Group
    SIM Subscriber Identity Module
    SIMM single inline memory module
    SIMS survey information management system
    SIP Session Initiation Protocol
    SIPC Simply Interactive PC
    SIR Standard Incidence Ratio
    SIRAD Self-indicating Instant Radiation Alert Dosimeter
    SIT .sit Extension MAC-Liste Bibliotheken
    SIT sterile insect technique
    SIXEP site ion exchange effluent plant
    SL subscriber line
    SLAC Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
    SLAQ Street-Level Air Quality
    SLB Steam Line Break
    SLC Site Licence Condition
    SLD scaling law distortion
    SLIP Serial Line Internet Protocol
    SLS Swiss Light Source
    SLT Solid Logic Technology
    SMART simple multi-attribute ratings technique
    SMART System-integrated Modular Advanced Reactor
    SMD surface mounted device
    SMIL Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language
    SMPR Small and Medium Power Reactor
    SMPS switch mode power supply
    SMR standardized mortality ratio
    SMS Sicherheitsmanagement-System
    SMS Short Massage Service
    SMT stable metal tritides
    SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol; für Text 7 Bit
    SNA sous-marin d'attaque
    SNCR Selective non-catalytic reduction
    SNIA Storage Networking Industry Association
    SNIP NATO Switched Network Interconnection Project
    SNL Sandia National Laboratories
    SNLE sous-marin nucléaire lanceur d'engins
    SNM Special Nuclear Material
    SNS Spallation Neutron Source
    SNT senior nuclear technologist
    SO-DIMM Small outline DIMM
    SOC semivolatile organic compounds
    SOE Special Operation Executive
    SOFC Solid oxide fuel cell (Brennstoffzelle)
    SOFDMA Scalable OFDMA
    SOHO Solar and Heliospheric Observatory
    SOLAS Safety of Life at Sea
    SOM sent on mission
    SONE Supporters of Nuclear Energy
    SOP special observation periods
    SOR Sucessive over relaxation (math.)
    SPE solar-particle event
    SPECT single-photon emission CT
    SPEFC Solid polymer electrolyte fuel cell (Brennstoffzelle)
    SPICE Simulation Program with intergrated Circuit Emphasis
    Splitter frequency splitter
    SPM Suspended Particulate Matter
    SPN self-powered neutron
    SPP Serial Point Profile
    SPR service de protection contre les rayonnements
    SPR Sandia Research Reactor
    SPRA Service de Protection Radiologique des Armées
    SPS Solar Power Satellites
    SQL Structured Query Language
    SRA Shonka Research Associates, Inc.; Marietta GA
    SRAM static RAM
    SRBII Société Royale Belge des Ingénieurs et Industrie
    SREL Savannah River Ecology Laboratory
    SRM standard reference material
    SRP Savannah River Plant
    SRP Standard Review Plan
    SRRA Structural Reliability and Risk Assessment
    SRS Savannah River Site
    SRTM Shuttle Radar Topography Mission
    SRU Sachverstaendigenrat fuer Umweltfragen
    SSBN ships submersible ballistic nuclear
    SSC structures, systems and components
    SSD source-to-skin distance
    SSID secondary station identifier
    SSL Secure Socket Layer
    SSN ships submersible nuclear
    SSN social security number
    SSTV slow scan TV
    STA Science and Technology Agency (JA)
    START Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty
    STCW Standards of Training,Certific. And Watchkeeping f.Seafarers
    STD standard deviation
    STEP Sensitometric Technique for the Evaluation of Processing
    StMAS By.Staatsmin.Arb.u.Soz.ordng,Familie,Frauen u.Gesundh.
    STN Super-Twisted Nematic LCD
    STOA Scientific and Technological Otions Assessment
    str. strana
    Strg Steuerung = Ctrl
    StSV Schweizer Strahlenschutzverordnung
    STUN Simple Traversal of UDP over NAT devices
    SUP strategische Umweltprüfung
    SUPA smart universal power antenna
    SVC static var compensator
    SVG Scalable Vector Graphics
    SWCR supercritical water reactor
    SWPC Siemens Westinghouse Power Corporation
    SWR standing wave ratio
    S3 Safety Support System

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    TA Technologiefolgenabschätzung
    TACWEF Total Ambient Culpability Weighted Emission Factor
    TAE Telekommunikations-Anschlusseinheit
    TAE Telefonanschlußeinheit
    TAI Temps Atomique International
    TAR .tar Tape Archive; UNIX
    TAREF Task on Advanced Reactors Experimental Facilities
    TAZ .taz ;Extension, Datei mit Compress erzeugt
    TB time base
    TBI total-body irradiation
    TBSA total body surface area
    TCB Temps Coordonnée Barycentrique
    TCD thermal conductivity detector
    TCG Temps Coordonnée Géocentrique
    TCL Target Capabilities List
    TCO Tjänstemännens Central Organisation
    TCP transmission control protocol
    TCP/IP (Protokollfamilie)
    TCR thyristor-controlled reactor
    TCSC Thyristor Controlled Series Compensation
    TDB thermochemical data-base
    TDB Temps dynamique barycentrique
    TDCR Triple-to Double Coincidence Ratio
    TDD time-division duplex
    TDM tomodensitométrie
    TDMA Time Division Multiple Access
    TE Temps des éphémérides
    TEC Trauma and Emenrgency Center
    TED total effective dose
    TEDE total effective dose equivalent
    TEM transmission electron microscopy
    TENORM technologically enhanced naturally occurring radioactive materials
    TEPC tissue-equivalent proportional counter
    TER total exposure rate
    TETRA Terrestrial Trunked Radio
    TFA très faible activité
    TFT thin film transistor
    TFWT tissue free-water tritium
    TGD Technical Guidance Documents (Euro-Gefahrstoffe)
    TGF transforming growth factor
    TGI tube gastro-intestinal
    TGLD Task Group on Lung Dynamics
    TGQ Task Group on Qualification
    TGR Task Group on Risk
    TIAC time-integrated air concentration
    TIBL Thermal internal boundary layer
    TIC Total Inorganic Carbon, ges.anorg.Kohlenstoff
    TID transaction ID
    TIE total intraocular energy
    TIF .tif Extension: tugged image format
    TIMER Targets Image Energy Regional
    TIMS thermal ionization mass spectrometry
    tj. to jest, d.h.
    TFA très faible activité
    TFT thin film transistor
    TGC Truncated General Cone
    TIB thermal index of bone
    TKDL Traditional Digital Knowledge Library
    TKE turbulent kinetic energy
    TKG Telekommunikationsgesetz
    TKÜV Telekommunikationsüberwachungs-Verordnung
    TKZulV Telekommunikationszulassungs-Verordnung
    TLD Thermolumineszenz-Dosimeter
    TLD Top Level Domain
    TLS Transliminality Scale
    TLV Threshold Limit Values
    TMA trimethylamine
    TMDL total maximum daily loads
    TMR Texas Medical Rangers
    TMS Transkranielle Magnetstimulation
    TNC terminal node controller
    TNEI The Northern Energy Initiative
    TOA time of arrival
    TOB Transportorganisation des Bundes
    TOC Total Organic Carbon, ges.org.Kohlenstoff
    TOD time-of-day
    TOI time of intake
    TOL Transportorganisation der Länder
    TONNAGE 69 Int'l Convent.on Tonnage Measurements of Ships, 1969
    TOR Tolerability of Risk Report (HSE 1992)
    TPPP time-preserving, property-preserving
    TPPS time-preserving, property-scaled
    TSPP time-scaled, property-preserving
    TSPS time-scaled, property-scaled
    TPS Taiwan Photon Source
    TRA Thermisch-Regenerative Abluftreinigungsanlage
    TRACE transferts des radionucléides...dans les cours d'eau
    TRACT Transport of Air pollutants over Complex Terrain
    TRANSALP Transport of tracer gases across the Alps
    TRASNUSAFE Training Scheme on Nuclear Safety Culture
    TRB Techn. Regeln f. Druckbehälter
    TRbF Techn. Regeln f. brennbare Flüssigkeiten
    TRC Techa River Cohort
    TRDS Techa River Dosimetry System
    TREE transient-radiation effects on electronics
    TRbF Techn. Regeln f. brennbare Flüssigkeiten
    TRgA Techn. Regeln f. gefährliche Arbeitsstoffe
    TRGS Technische Regeln für Gefahrstoffe
    TRK Technische Richtkonzentrationen (Betriebswacht)
    TRMM Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission
    TRR Techn.Regeln Rohrleitungen
    TRU transuranic
    TRUCON Transuranic Content
    TRX transmitter
    TS tolerable short term only
    TSP tube support plate
    TSPA Total Systems Performance Assessment (EPRI)
    TSS Technik-System-Schnittstelle
    TT Temps terrestre = TAI + 32,164 s
    TTL Time to Live
    TU Temps Universel
    TUD Technische Universität Dresden
    TWAIN technology without any important name
    TWIC The Week in Chess
    tzv. Tako zvani, sog.

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    UAB User Accessible Bus
    UAM Urban Airshed Model
    UART universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter
    UBW upper band width
    UCF unit capability factor
    UCI Utilities' Consultant International
    UCI Universal Chess Interface
    UCLA Univ. of Calif. Los Angeles
    UCLF unplanned capability loss factor
    UDF Universal Disk Format (CD-RW)
    UDL Universal Design for Learning
    UDP User Datagram Protocol im Internet
    UFOV useful field of view
    UGB Umweltgesetzbuch
    UHF ultra high frequency 0,3 -3 GHz
    UI user interface
    UIC Union Internationale des Chemins de Fers
    UIC Uranium Information Centre
    UICI Upper individual confidence intervall
    UIT Union Internationale des Télécommunications
    UJT unijunction transistor
    UKAEA United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
    UKCCS UK Childhood Cancer Study
    UL uplink
    ULD Unabhängiges Landeszentrum für Datenschutz
    UMK Umweltministerkonferenz
    UML Unified Modeling Language
    UMS Unified Messaging System
    UMTRCA Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act
    UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunications System
    UN Uranylnitrat
    UNDSD United Nations Division for Sustainable Development
    UNEP United Nations Environment Programme
    UNFCCC UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
    UNH Uranylnitrat-Hexahydrat
    UNSCEAR United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation
    UPA upper polar atmosphere
    UPD User Datagram Protocol
    UPMC University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
    UPnP Universal Plug and Pray
    UPTF Upper Plenum Test Facility
    URCRM Urals Research Center for Radiation Medicine
    URG United Reprocessors GmbH
    URL uniform resource locator (elektron.Adresse WWW)
    URSI Union des Radiosciences Internationale
    USB universal serial bus
    USBR US Bureau of Reclamation
    USBV Unbekannte Spreng- und Brandvorrichtung
    USFS U.S. Forest Service Public Recreation Area
    USGS U.S. Geological Survey
    USKA Union Schweizerischer Kurzwellen-Amateure
    USR uniform risk spectrum
    USTUR US Transuranium and Uranium Registries
    USU Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
    UT Universal Time
    UTC Universal time coordinated
    UTI Universal time without pole movements
    UTMB University of Texas Medical Branch
    UTMS Universal Mobile Telecommunications System
    UTO Universal time (rapporté à un pôle fixe)
    UTP unshielded twisted pair cable
    UUCP Unix-to-Unix-Copy-Protocol
    UUE .uue unencoded Datei (Text)
    UWB ultra wide band
    UWS Unterwasserschere

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    V. Standards des CCITT
    V.34 ITU-Protokoll 14.4 - 28.8 Kbps
    V.42 ITU-Protokoll mit Fehlerprüfung
    V.90 56 Kbps-Übertragungsprotokoll der ITU
    V.110 altes ISDN-Protokoll, asynchron, bis 38,4 Kbps
    V.120 wie V.110, bis 56 Kbps
    VA Veterans Administration
    VAQP Virginia qso party
    VAWS VO über Anlagen zum Lagern, Abfüllen und Umschlagen
    VAWS2 wassergefährdender Stoffe
    VBA Visual Basic for Applications
    VBP .vbp Extension: Visual Basic Project (Projektdatei, ascii)
    VBScript VB Programmiersystem Scripting Edition f.INet
    VBU Verband der Betriebsbeauftragten für Umweltschutz
    VDLUFA Verband d.Deut.Landwirtschaftl.Untersu.u.Forsch.anstalten
    VDRIF Variable Dose Rate Irradiation Facility
    VDT video-display terminal
    VDU video display unit
    VE volunteer examiner
    VEK Verglasungseinrichtung Karlsruhe
    VELLA Virtual European Lead Laboratory
    VEP visual evoked potential
    VERA Verantwortung für die Entsorgung radioaktiver Abfälle (HB9)
    Veronica Very Easy Rodent-Oriented Net-wide Index to Computerized Archives in Gopher
    VESA Video Electronics Standards Association
    VF ventricular fibrillation
    VFO variable frequency oscillator
    VHF very high frequency 30-300 MHz
    VHP Visible Human Project
    VHS video home system
    VHTR Very-High-Temperature Reactor
    VIPER Versatile Intermediate Pulse Experimental Reactor
    VIP-Man Visible Photographic Man
    VIS visible (Licht)
    VIS Visible Imaging System
    VKF Verband kommunaler Fuhrpark- und Stadtreinigungsbetriebe
    VKS Verband Kommunale Abfallwirtschaft und Stadtreinigung e.V.
    VKTA Verein für Kernverfahrenstechnik und Analytik Rossendorf e.V.
    VLF very low frequency 3-30 kHz
    VLLW very low-level waste
    VoIP Voice over Internet Protocol
    VPN virtual private network
    vr vlastorucni
    VRAM video RAM
    VRML Virtual Reality Modeling Language; ähnl.HTML
    VSG Verkehrssicherstellungsgesetz
    VTK Visualization Toolkit
    VVM Vereniging Van Milieukundigen
    VxD virtual driver
    V&H vulnerability and hardness

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    W3C WWW Consortium
    WAC waste acceptance criteria
    WAK Wiederaufarbeitungsanlage Karlsruhe
    WAP Wireless Application Protocol
    WAIS Wide Area Information Servers Suchsystem Internet
    WAN Wide Area Network
    WANO World Association of Nuclear Operators
    WAV .wav-Exteension; Sprach- /Musikdateien
    WBC whole-body counter
    WBT web baised training
    WDM Win32 Driver Model
    WEC The World Energy Council
    WEEE Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment
    WEFT Web Embedding Fonts Tool
    WEM world energy model
    WENRA Western European Nuclear Regulators Association
    WEP waste encapsulation plant
    WGA Windows Genuine Advantage
    WHOIS Telefonbuch im Internet
    WICEM Weltindustriekonferenz für Umweltmanagement
    Wi-Fi Wireless Fidelity
    WIM Wireless Identity Module
    WIMAN Wireless Metropolitan Area Network
    WiMAX Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access
    WIPP Waste Isolation Pilot Plant
    WISE World Information Service on Energy
    WITS waste inventory tracking system
    WL Working level; 1 WL = 3700 Bq/m3 for Radon; 1,3*10**5 MeV alphas/litre
    WLAN Wireless Local Area Network
    WLH World Light House Award
    WLM working level month = 1 WL x 170 h
    WMAP Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe
    WMD weapons of mass destruction
    WMF .wmf Windows Metafile
    WML Wireless Markup Language
    WML Waste Management Laboratories
    WMM Wi-Fi Multimedia
    WMS waste management system
    WOCE World Ocean Circulation Experiment
    WOLF weak-signal operation on low frequency
    WPA Wi-Fi Protected Access
    WPAN Wireless Personal Area Network
    WPG .wpg WordPerfect Graphics
    WPO web performance optimization
    WPP White Pages Project (Internet)
    WPT wireless power transmission
    WRAM window RAM
    WRS Wilcoxon Rank Sum
    WRT Wireless Technology Research
    WS Windows-
    WSAON water-soluble aerosol organic nitrogen
    WSCF Waste Sampling and Characterization Facility-
    WSH Windows Scripting Host
    WSRC Westinghouse Savannah River Company
    WSS water surface sampler
    W/E weekend

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    X. Definitionen der ITU für Netzwerke
    X.25 WAN-Datenübertragungsnorm
    X.75 ISDN-Protokoll
    X.400 E-Mail-Standard CCITT und ISO
    X.500 dto für Adressverzeichnisse in EU
    XCVR transceiver
    XML extensible markup language
    XRF X-ray flourescence
    XXE .xxe Extension; kodierte Binärdateien;xxencode...

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    YAHOO Yet Another Hierarchially Officious Oracle
    YGN Young Generation Network
    YTV Yorkshire TV

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    z .z Extension; Datei m. pack/unpack bearbeiten
    Z UTC
    ZEBS Zentr. Erfassungs- u. Bewertungsstelle f. Umweltchemikalien
    ZF Zermelo-Fraenkel
    ZfA Zentralstelle für Abfallbeseitigung
    ZFC ZF set theory , with axiom of choice
    ZIP .zip Extension; Datei m.pkzip/pkunzip bearbeitet
    ZLN Zwischenlager Nord
    ZLS Zentralstelle d. Lä:nder f. Sicherheitstechnik
    ZNS zentrales Nervensystem
    ZOO .zoo Extention; bearbeiten mit zoo210
    ZTF zero tolerance for failure
    ZV-Port zoomed-video port
    ZVAB Zentralverzeichnis antiquarischer Bücher
    ZVEI Zentralverband Elektrotechnik- und Elektronikindustrie
    ZZZ0 a) Willem Ongena: Kürzellexikon zu Elektronik, Elektrotechnik,
    ZZZ1 Computertechnik u.Kommunikationstechnik. 319 S., VDE-Verlag
    ZZZ2 1998, 35 DM, ISBN 3-8007-2267-4 (aus: cq-DL 5/99 p.383)

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